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Thursday, February 3, 2011

RuneScape wilderness scam

Saw a post on my facebook wall by some dude who got scammed out of a bandos chestplate.

Apparently there is a scam where if you lend an item, the player with the lent item can use it on you to return it. Doing so near the wilderness then fighting you and defeating you inside the wilderness completes the scam.

Jagex said lent items cannot be taken into the wilderness and I haven't tested it to verify whether they mean into level one wild or mean crossing the wildi wall. But regardless, if you are lending an item, take precautions to either hop worlds, have private set to friends, or watch your inventory when near the wildi.

Why hop worlds? To "shake" the lendee. Why have private on friends/off? To keep the lendee from tracking you. Is this paranoid? Probably. In most cases, outside of suspicious behavior (e.g. lendee challenging you to pk, etc) a mere inventory check upon entering lvl 1 wildi should suffice.

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